#15 YOUR WHY & The Heart Warrior Half Marathon

As the year 2020 comes to a close, I would like to invite you to a New Year's Day challenge -- The Heart Warrior Half Marathon. Enjoy this latest blog post and if you haven't done so already, sign up for the free virtual running/walking event on the Cross Runners Heart home page . If you have already signed up, invite a friend! It was a crisp, 62 degrees on a sunny Fall day. My feet felt light on the flat blacktop of Ohio's Richland County B&O trail-- a frequent running route for me. My mind drifted from topic to topic. Noah's upcoming second open heart surgery was at the forefront of my thoughts, while my lungs sucked in the cool air. My mind shifted to think about why I had started www.crossrunnersheart.com. Asking "why" can be such a powerful question. My Fall running in Virginia (not Ohio, but you get the picture) As I trotted the path that day, a flight of ideas came rushing in. Suddenly, I realized there...