
Showing posts from October, 2020

#13 A Mom's letter to her little girl (Juliana Part 2)

This is the first guest post... "Juliana Part 2".   Part 1 here .  This post is written by my wife, Jana ( Post #4 The One I Love ) as letter to our daughter.  The Cross Runner's Heart journey is about #faith #family and #running.  I hope you find meaningful ways to relate to our posts and are inspired to deepen your relationships, dive into a fitness goal, or do something else amazing!   Juli Girl,  Growing up, I never really had an urgent desire to be a mom. I knew that one day, it would probably hit me, and therefore I wasn't in as much of a rush as most people my age. As life goes, things happen when they happen, and the day came when I had you. I was 29. You see, I had prayed to find the husband that I would build a life with, and when I did, it wasn’t long before you came along. Jeremy provided the peace of mind and confidence that had been the missing link for me to feel "ready".  The day you came into the world was the day that c...

#12 Juliana, Part 1

Many of you have seen the video of Noah's first run ( see Noah's Heart Facebook page ) It was a family outing where I got to push Noah in the running stroller while my wife, Jana, rode the bicycle.  In that short video clip, the one with the most enthusiasm was the two and half year old girl being pulled in the buggy behind Jana. This post will highlight that joyful little girl named JULIANA NOELLE RIEHM.  Juliana is part of our quartet that makes up the D' RIEHM (pronounced: "reem") team.  (A little 1990's USA basketball spin off) Here is how her story began. Juliana is named after two of her great grandmothers-- Julia and Anna.  Being born close to Christmas, we decided Noelle was as a perfect middle name.  She arrived on a cold and snowy day in December of 2017 with just 12 days to go until Christmas.  In contrast to  Noah's  birth, Juliana's hospital course was relatively uncomplicated.  We brought her home just two days later.  Whil...